Solid Waste Management of Kathmandu- A case Study.
Waste Management In the collaboration of Kathmandu metropolitan city and JICA the field visit for Nature Club Student of Different School is going to held today. Here we plan for visiting 3 school but some technical Difficulties we have only 2 school. The Main objectives of this trip is to give out the main knowledge to the students about Waste we produce, waste collection, waste management.
(First of all , we are at Teku in the Kathmandu Metro Politian City office at 6.15 am ,where we gathered, Gathering company includes JICA Volunteers, KMC Representative, City environment volunteer plus students of two school Kuleshowr Secondary School ,Mahendra Swarsoti Lower Secondary School And their teachers)
Generation & Collection of Waste by Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC)
- Waste Generation 0.3 kg/person/day
- Total domestic waste gen. App. 246 ton/day
- Commercial waste (12%)app. 30 ton/day
- Street Waste (12%) app. 30 ton/day
- Waste from VDC (12%)
- 30 ton/day
- Total Generation 335 ton/day
- Collection 306 ton/day
- About 70% waste are organic
Waste Management |
Where is Waste Management of Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC)
- Municipalities are completely responsible for solid waste management
- Some new approaches are being tried out in KMC
- Door-to-door collection
- User fees
- Source-separated collection
- Composting
- Private sector participation
- “Landfilling” on the banks of Bagmati has stopped since the operation of Sisdol Landfill Site from June 5
Social Aspect - Waste Management
- Waste collection service: 89% household
- Majority having knowledge about waste separation
- 41% of respondent have positive attitude
- towards making compost
- KMC realizes that community participation is
- the key improvement of the urban environment,
- after the establishment of CMU
- NGOs/CBOs have been involved in various
- SWM activities including collection services,
- awareness, and 3R activities
Financial Aspect -Waste Management
- KMC spends about Rs 17 million for SWM services,
- which represents 30-35% of total municipal
- expenditure
Location: Sisdol, Okharpauwa, Nuwakot
Date: 2013 Nov 25, Monday
First Phase:
with 38 student, 4 teacher and we all volunteer are gathered in Teku in front of KMC Office, and we heading towards the Temporary Waste collection center of Kathmandu 5 minutes we are there now the environment of this place is so irritating, nonsense smell, waste are everywhere….,there we discussed about the waste, waste collection of Kathmandu, temporary storage of waste of Kathmandu valley and plan action of this day.
Second Phase:
we again back to the Teku office and ready for heading to Okharpauwa…in bus we and student played quiz which is related to the environment…after 1 and half hour we are in the site area.
After some refreshments we are ready for the site visit. There is representative of KMC who tell us something about the landfill site. We visit the deposition site of Waste. There is no proper management of waste, we can reuse them, recycle them, and most of the organic waste of there we can compost,
We played a game in there about the classification of waste which we can reduce, reuse, and compost. We also visit the waste water collection area and we also take a group photo, this is last but not least activity of day in field site. We back to the Kathmandu it takes about 1.30 hour.
Last Phase:
At 12.30 pm we are at office of KMC, Kathmandu, There is launch break for some time after this there is some class by Rajaram Karmacharya about the Waste Management. We learn many things about waste. We also share our experiences of days, and make the report of the day.
Full Day Overall Review:
Overall this is so fun, interesting, knowledgeable having interacting with students, sharing of knowledge is good way to communicate, and we learn being a Student is not only about learn but it is also about to teach which we know. In the field site I learn different things about this landfill site; this site is made by the help of government of japan and peoples of japan. Actually purposed site is not the Okharpauwa But is Banchare Dada 2 km Far from this location, this place is in remote area basic things like transportation, electricity, and other essential services. This is due to the lack of care of governments, Economic Resources, Lack of detailed studied, remote region of proposed area.
Waste Management There is 3 valleys in Okharpauwa Valley A, B, C. First waste were collected in Kathmandu Valley and when it is full of waste another Valley C is used then Valley When All valleys are full of waste the gap between valley A&B are joint to make plain. And this plain the deposits of waste are Collected and buried under soil every day. The local people are collect recyclable materials from the waste to make the source of income whenever possible but there is many wastes which can be easily recycle and reuse and Almost 60% of the waste is organic so it can be used for composting.
There is gas pipe which bypass the heat from the buried waste. Heat is produced by the decomposition of waste, it also contains possibilities of production of bio-gas is essential study can be done and government gives the large subsidies. The liquid substance produced from these waste are black in color, having nonsense smell are called Leachate is deposited in tank. There are 3-4 tanks but only one is in use. These leachate are directly discharge into the near river which cause many harmful effect in environment degrades ecosystem and cause several epidemic diseases in many time.
The waste water treatment was followed in past but due to the KMC and government careless it is not happening now so quickly required procedure should be done. After back to the Kathmandu we discussed on the importance of waste. And other fundamentals of waste. We also review and share experience of program and analyze ourselves.
Highlights of the Day: Teku temporary waste deposition site visit, Okharpauwa site visit, observation, experienced, get known about the site procedure to manage the waste. Discussion on importance of waste, review of full day and analysis of our work.
Our Challenges
• Attitude of throw & forget
• Transportation
• Lack of Training
• Need of well equipped equipment's and workshop
• Only one landfill site and transfer station
• Lack of manpower
• No appropriate laws & policies
• Lack of awareness
• Low composting efficiency in households
• Public and political intervention
What Can I Do you do for Waste management of our city??
Make less waste, Follow 3R principle that is reduce, reuse, re-cycle. Think green, Go green, Follow sustainable steps every day, save water, Energy, money, food, use minimum resources, Compost the organic waste, learn to live sustainable and minimize ecological footprint. Think globally act locally.
Thank You
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