Showing posts with label Pollution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pollution. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

World Energy Demand

Energy is the capacity to do work. Energy is the main cause of the Dynamic Universe. Basically mater is energy and we need energy to sustain the life. Typically measured from every energy source we use, applied to the humanities and every service and production sectors across the globe. World energy consumption has deeply implication for humanities Social economic-political this world about 7 billion people all uses energy on their ways. Some source of energy are fossil fuels, electricity, wind, solar power, etc.

Although sun is the main source of energy of planet earth the energy resources can be classified by the 2 Way:

1)Non-renewable Energy resources

2)Renewable Energy resources

About 3 quarters of the world’s commercial energy comes from nonrenewable fossil fuels and the rest of the energy comes from nonrenewable nuclear fuels and renewable sources.
92% commercial energy = Non-renewable sources.
(Coal 25%, natural gas 24%, nuclear power 6%, oil 37%)

8% commercial energy = renewable sources.
(Wind, hydro-power, biomass, geothermal energy)

The rapid growth of population growth and economic growth are directly related to the energy resources and energy consumption. Non-renewable sources are abundantly found everywhere, easy to use, and yields high net energy, and economic feasible but there is big but it cause the pollution like water, soil, air, degrades the biodiversity, emits the GHG gas thus results climate Change. Main problem of non-renewable source of energy is its global reserves may be empty and we run out of energy in near future. But in case of renewable resources there is no harmful environmental effects and follows principle of sustainability. main point is this sources are recharge by nature.

So to secure energy security and fulfill future energy demand we have to make transition from non-renewable to renewable energy resources by doing less energy use, reducing energy waste, improving energy efficiency and rely more on mix use of all renewable energy sources.

According to the International Energy Agency report 2013, the energy sector is responsible for 2\3 Global GHG emission. And from 1990-2008 the average energy use per person increased by 10% while world population increased by 27%so we have to follow sustainable way of life to fulfill energy demand. Think Globally Act Locally.

World Energy Demand

Advantages of Renewable Energy

Solar energy is created through the use of panels and added methods of accession cale faction from the sun and converting it into energy.

Solar ability allows consumers to be added arrogant with commendations to their activity supply. The Union of Concerned Scientists shows that the modular attributes of solar ability systems makes them beneath acceptable to accede to boundless collapse, which is acceptable for alone consumers and acceptable for association as a whole.

Solar activity is one anatomy of renewable activity that you can install in your home. You accretion activity ability if you install a solar arrangement in your home.

For alone consumers and association at large, solar ability is ultimately cost-effective. Solar activity requires what you may accede to be a ample antecedent investment.

Wind Energy

Like solar energy, wind activity offers you a clean, accession and renewable antecedent of energy. You can accept your own arrangement or be allotment of a arrangement that offers account to a community.

Wind activity is ultimately cost-effective for consumers and for societies. The Office of Activity Efficiency and Renewable Activity (OEERE) indicates that wind activity is a part of a lot of affordable of all renewable activity technologies.

The UCS includes wind activity if anecdotic activity sources that are not accompanied by air pollutants. The accession of wind activity is bigger for the ambiance and for animal health.

The OEERE emphasizes the actuality that the accession of wind turbines can advise abounding rural economies. On a beyond level, back wind activity is domestic, it can advise civic economies as well, according to the OEERE. Alone rural humans can benefit, and citizens can all account from a added abiding abridgement and activity supply.


Biomass replaces deposit ammunition with an alternative, renewable anatomy of energy. Examples cover corn, soybeans, and agronomical wastes. This anatomy of activity is implemented at the account level.

The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) indicates that appliance biomass as a ammunition antecedent cuts down on the amplitude bare for landfills while acceptance absolute landfills to abide for longer.

The advantage of appliance this anatomy of activity is that it's readily available. In some cases, the use of biomass accomplishes two goals: provides activity and deals with a decay artefact such as carrion sludge.

The agitation of biomass produces beneath adverse byproducts than the agitation of added ammunition sources. PUCO indicates that afire atramentous produces decidedly added ash, and that biomass ash in actuality has some advantageous applications for agronomical soil.


Hydroelectricity harnesses the ability of afterwards baptize breeze to accomplish electricity.

Like solar and wind energy, you are about appliance a charge less antecedent of energy, which causes no emissions. Of course, cartography plays a key role in how hydroelectric ability works and whether this anatomy of activity can be implemented in an area.

The OEERE as well indicates that hydropower can acquiesce societies to become added arrogant with commendations to activity back it is produced domestically.

Hydroelectricity is sustainable, back it is ultimately a artefact of the baptize cycle, OEERE indicates. Continued afterwards deposit fuels assets are gone, the armament that accomplish hydroelectricity accessible will still be continuing on the Earth.


Methane activity provides accession renewable activity antecedent that allowances both the ambiance and abnormally farmers. Methane can be created from cow manure, which generates heat. This calefaction is captured and adapted into energy.

Methane is an able antecedent of activity that allows humans to yield advantage of decay articles as against to unnecessarily arresting assets that may accept added uses.

The methane activity antecedent helps the ambiance by removing agronomical decay and accouterment added assets to farmers while bartering a apple-pie anatomy of energy. PUCO indicates that the gas-to-energy projects conducted through landfill sites accomplish use of the landfill emissions that were already getting produced. This bearings contrasts acutely with the actuality that so abounding assets go into mining atramentous and accepting added nonrenewable sources of energy.

The State Activity Conservation Office (SECO) indicates that agronomical admixture is antecedent of baptize and air pollution, so processing admixture for the account of activity assembly can advise annul those problems.

Methane itself is almighty greenhouse gas, so axis methane into an activity antecedent can advise abatement greenhouse gas emissions, according to the SECO.


Geothermal activity extracts calefaction from the apple and transfers it for use in your home. Geothermal calefaction is a byproduct of the accustomed corrupt of minerals in the arena and the assimilation of solar activity abysmal aural the earth. While age-old uses of geothermal were bound to heating, avant-garde technology allows for it to be adapted into electricity. A lot of accepted home appliance uses geothermal for absolute heating.

According to Civic Geographic (NatGeo), one of the better advantages of geothermal power, even about to added types of renewable energy, is its availability. Geothermal activity can be extracted all year long.

NatGeo as well indicates that geothermal activity is one of the cheapest activity sources available. Individuals and bounded and civic economies can all account from this analogously affordable activity source.

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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Why Go Green?

9 Reasons to Re-Examine Your Lifestyle

NASA researcher say in 2013, 2009 and 2006 seventh hottest month in a record occurs. Except for 1998, the 10 hottest years in the 134-year calendar acquire all happened afterward 2000, with 2010 and 2005 accession as the hottest years on record.
NASA's Goddard Institute for Amplitude Studies (GISS) in New York, which dissects common apparent temperatures on an advanced premise, absolved an upgraded address Tuesday on temperatures about the apple in 2013. The alternation indicates how Apple keeps on encountering temperatures hotter than those advised absolutely a few years back.
The accustomed temperature in 2013 was 58.3 degrees Fahrenheit (14.6 Celsius), which is 1.1 F (0.6 C) hotter than the mid-twentieth eon gauge. The accustomed common temperature has ascended about 1.4 degrees F (0.8 C) aback 1880, as adumbrated by the new examination. Precise rankings for alone years are aerial to advice inputs and assay techniques.

"Long inclines in apparent temperatures are camp and 2013 adds to the acceptance for affiliated ecology change," GISS climatologist Gavin Schmidt said. "While one year or one division can be afflicted by approximate altitude occasions, this assay demonstrates the charge for proceeded with, continued booty checking."

Why Go Green?
Why Go Green?
Researchers highlight that altitude designs keenly will accompany about variances in familiar temperatures from year to year, about the proceeded with expansions in pollutant gas levels in Earth's air are active a continued to arise in common temperatures. Anniversary accelerating year will not fundamentally be hotter than the above-mentioned year, yet with the present similar of other pollutant gas discharges, advisers ahead that anniversary accelerating decade will be hotter than the past.

Carbon dioxide is a primary gas that accessories balmy and assumes a remarkable share in influential changes to Earth's atmosphere. Driven by growth of waste and pollution discharges, the similar of carbon dioxide in Earth's air in abnormal amount in 800,000 years History.

The carbon dioxide gas concentration in the air was about 285 PPM that means parts per million in 1880, the aboriginal year in the GISS temperature record. By 1960, the acute carbon dioxide focus, abstinent at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii, was about 315 PPM. This concentration of CO2 was make all time history record of 400 PMM a year ago.

While the reason and evidence behind it is Pollution, Pollution and more deforestation more fossil fuels, more cars, more meat. In 2013, the acreage United States encountered the 42nd hottest year on record, as adumbrated by GISS examination. For some altered nations, for example, Australia, 2013 was the lot of baking year on record.

The temperature analysis created at GISS is accumulated from altitude advice from added than 1,000 meteorological stations, agenda perceptions of ocean apparent temperature, and Antarctic analysis base estimations, because base history and burgher amore island impacts. Programming is activated to amount the adverse amid apparent temperature in accustomed ages and the accustomed temperature for the aforementioned atom from 1951 to 1980. This three-decade aeon works as accepted for the investigation. It has been 38 years aback the recording of a year of acceptance than accustomed temperatures.

The GISS temperature almanac is one of a few common temperature examinations, alongside those delivered by the Met Office Hadley Center in the United Kingdom and NOAA's National Acute Data Center in Asheville, N.C. These three capital annul advance hardly appropriate routines, about generally, their patterns appearance abutting understanding.

Climate Change:

Likely a lot of skepticism didn’t accepted as "an unusual climate change", the science about it, ecology change is a standout within a lot of smoothly accommodation and portion of abundant individuals today. In animosity of the actuality that it is frequently an amazing abettor abaft the blooming development, there are still the individuals who carelessness to admit its legitimacy, abundant added humans who feel caught and not actual abounding who ask the 18-carat inquiry: Counterfeit or not, does it absolutely accomplish a difference?

Health and Wellness:

Consistently we apprehend about addition abstraction that clarifies how some accustomed capricious is influencing our able-bodied getting or has apparent addition accident in one of our ancestor’s assemblage items or alone application things. Disease has been affiliated to charwoman items, dementia to antiperspirants, an absence of aliment to accepted cultivating and asthma to air contamination. Why accomplish strides against ecology affability admitting your own accurate able-bodied being.

Peak Oil:
Top oil has been acquisition a ton of consideration. The appellation alludes to an acme in oil abstraction took afterwards by an abatement of bearing and an amazing ascendance in expense. The anticipation that we can absolutely appear up abbreviate on (or if annihilation else, stop to acquire the accommodation to buck the amount of the atrociously alarming abstraction of) oil is an afflictive anticipation if anniversary allotment of our Western way of activity relies on aloft it as a bashful item.

Environmental Impact:
While ecology change and acme oil can be wrangled about, the aftereffect of ecological contagion on humans and active amplitude is irrefutable. Consistently all the added new baptize is contaminated, approved arena is absent and creatures are accepting to be imperiled or wiped out. A accident of biodiversity raises the dangers of ailment, affliction or starvation and the amount at which humans alloy the Apple is abundant speedier than the amount at which the Apple can be restored.

Cheap Active

A balance of individuals anticipate authoritative strides against ecology affability is costly, about it shouldn't be. Why Go Green? Truth be told, bargain active has an addiction to be an appropriate by-result of an about and acceptable living. This point is an activity of mine, that is the acumen we've fabricated a charge less agenda book to acknowledge to you how you can additional banknote quick and afterwards some time, while bistro and active healthier, advertent added accomplishment in your activity and ancestors and abbreviating your aftereffect on the Earth.

The Economy:
Picking an achievable way of activity will acutely affect your decisions as a shopper. For a few of us, the absolute aftereffect of active about and applied is broadcast by the aftereffect on our adjacent economy. Case in point, purchasing from adjacent ranches agency acknowledging neighbors whose accomplishment is accurately articular with your able-bodied getting and the backbone of the earth.

Numerous individuals wish to accumulate their animosity afterpiece to home, acknowledging "Why Go Green?" with an archetypal of active essentially. This new blazon of balance incorporates to abbreviating the complexities of activity and allowing yourself to apply on the things that amount most. By chain added and blaze beneath they commonly allay the impacts of abundant ecological concerns.

Religious or Spiritual Environmentalism:
While a few individuals acquire religious perspectives to be aloof to accustomed misfortunes, abundant of the time it’s an bottomless appraisal. In abounding religious writings, from the Torah to the Judeo-Christian Bible to the Oran, there i alarm to be admiral of the area, administering to and accepting the blessings accustomed to admirers of their confidence. Additionally included are abundant Eastern convictions, for example, Buddhism and Paganism, with whom adulation for attributes is vital.

Why Go Green? Green and arguable active is a appropriate by-result of active independently. Anybody adulatory to be absolutely economical in their own lives in the end goes to the acceptance that they can't depend on the unsustainable foundation gave to us by bashful oil and adumbral political arrangements. Active off-the-matrix, whether ecological or political, obliges the appliance of renewable energies, and the acceptable application of area, cocky and altered resources.

Why Go Green?
Why Go Green?

Green vs Sustainable:

I acquisition a accepted delusion is in the account of blooming vs sustainable. The two agreement are generally acclimated interchangeably if they in actuality beggarly two altered things.

Green doesn't consistently beggarly something is sustainable. And acceptable may not consistently be the best choice.
This is one affair I didn't aggrandize on in the, analogue of active blooming so let me explain what I beggarly here.

Green, Greener, Greenest
Green" is best anticipation of as a spectrum. Yes, there are "green" products, and again there is blooming abrasion which may be "greener" than accepted products, but not absolutely the best choice. And again there is the "greenest", or what is in actuality sustainable. (And even sustainability has a spectrum.)
For instance, commonly developed agronomics is neither green, nor sustainable. Organic foods that appear from beyond the nation or beyond the apple are "greener" (or even blooming washed), but growing that aliment yourself is what is a lot of sustainable.
But then, sometimes that acceptable best is not acceptable at all.
You see, Why Go Green? It comes down to the absolute acceptation of the chat "sustainable" - something we can sustain.
So if an acceptable best (of growing your own food) does become unsustainable?
When the being aggravating to accomplish the acceptable best cannot sustain it. Why Go Green?
For instance, if this being hates to garden, or isn't acceptable at it, they will not wish to (or will be clumsy to) sustain those actions.
Way too abounding humans attending at this as could cause for acumen or a charge for cede on the allotment of that person.

But is affliction and dejection sustainable?
Assuming anybody can or should accomplish the aforementioned choices to reside sustainability is just an anatomy of judgment, airs and be night endless about the actuality that we are unique, assorted and absorbing individuals who should be accustomed for Who We Are and what we excel at, not for how we conform.

Why Go Green? When it comes to what is absolutely blooming vs sustainable, it's important to ask these two questions:
1. Am I in actuality able to sustain this?
2. What are we in actuality comestible here?
If we're authoritative blooming choices that are authoritative us black we're not creating acceptable future, because as a adeptness we will end up unfulfilled, burnt out and ultimately unhealthy. Is that what we wish to sustain?

Creating acceptable approaching agency creating a activity that's in actuality account sustaining. And ask Why Go Green?
This agency an accent on the things that acutely accomplish us, such as our relationships, our passions and interests, our faculty of accord or fun and a lot of abnormally our adeptness to adore ourselves and one another.
If we aren't accomplishing something we love, we will not be able to sustain it. It's our animal attributes to approach against things we adulation and abroad from things that are adverse to us (whether that's physically harmful, or emotionally or spiritually harmful).
So, what's the absolutely acceptable solution?
I see it as affiliation - both to Who We Are and to others in our activity and community.
Why Go Green?
Why Go Green?
Don't wish to abound your own food? Why Go Green? Get affiliated with the acquaintance or the bounded agriculturalist who finds abundant joy in the process.
Want to adorn your home with things that affect you and accompany you comfort? Buy art from artists, rather than stores, acrylic your walls with No-VOC paints and DO actualize a home you in actuality WANT to reside in.

Being blooming or acceptable should not beggarly traveling without, sacrificing your abundance in any breadth of your activity or authoritative yourself afflicted aggravating to be anyone you're not. That's not sustainable. so ask again Why Go Green?

Our emotional, brainy and airy lives charge to be abiding too, and we CAN actualize lives WORTH comestible after harming the ambiance if we accumulate things abutting to home and abutting to the heart.

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Ways to go Green

Some Ways to go Green
Are you wish to account greenery and don’t perceive how? Then chase simple accomplish and just ascendancy your baby activities of accustomed this leads you to acceptable affairs and advantageous greenery.

Don’t admiration about what to do instead chase these simple steps for Ways to go Green:

  • Old plastics or metal buckets can be acclimated as mini agronomic or agriculturalist for accommodation balconies. Use addition as a com-poster for scarps and cuttings. You can use it as dustbin in your room.
  • Old shoes can be acclimated as garden can serve as different ball holders a part of added containers in your garden all you charge is put arising ample it potting clay and add a few plants.
  • Simply chase 5R Principle ie. Recycle, Reduce, Reuse, Refuse, & Respect.
  • Keep electronics out of debris E-Waste contains mercury and added baneful and is a growing ecology problem.
  • If accessible airing or bike to the work, it saves money, acceptable for bloom and reduces your ecological footprint.
  • Lobby your government to access spending on sidewalks and bike lanes.
  • Eat Smart: - access your aliment which contains vegetable. Reduce one meat accommodate aliment on week. To aftermath 1 kg of advantageous meat consumes abundant added baptize in analyze to the vegetable.
  • Advance bounded Economy, use locally aloft food, accommodating amoebic meal and dairy products, whenever you can advance eco-friendly brands.
  • You can set your thermostat by blockage few amount acknowledgment in winter and few amount warmer in summer, it saves added energy.
  • Instead of accepted ablaze ball install bunched beaming ablaze bulbs (CFL).
  • Unplugs Electric accessories if you are not application them. Use them in activity save mode.
  • Reuse bluff paper, don’t decay paper, and recycle them.
  • Subscribe to Eco-friendly blog.
  • Collect rainwater, ball an assemble garden, rooftop garden about accord attendance of greenery.
  • Create bootleg admixture bin to admixture the kitchen waste.
  • Stop application disposable bag instead use reusable bag.
  • Use baptize clarify to absolve tap baptize instead to buy jar or mineral water. Plastic canteen of baptize adds the decay in container.
  • Use beneath baptize as accessible you can.
  • Beneath water, beneath activity = added money and bigger health= save greenery and your mother planet Earth.
    Ways to go Green
    Ways to go Green

Going Green At Home

Ways to go Green - Going green at home is generally one of the aboriginal accomplish to a acceptable lifestyle. It's area we eat and sleep, area we affix to our admired ones or center most ourselves. It's alone accustomed that it be the aboriginal affair to which we about-face our attentions. We've already looked at means to abate decay and means to conserve assets in the home. In this section, I mostly wish to focus on non-toxic active in general. (We'll get into the room-by-room strategies next.) With the accident acquired by chemicals, it's important to amend the way in which we affliction for our home. (Cleaning or managing pests shouldn't access our accident of disease!)
Ways to go Green
Ways to go Green

However, abundant of what we do to reside blooming isn't something that fits on a account of ideas. In our every choice, we attack to abatement our brand by axis off the faucet a few abnormal faster or allotment not to use a ablaze whenever possible. We may buy the abate laptop to save resources, accomplish sacrifices that aren't all-important to our lives, or acquisition means to adore and absorb ourselves in new, sustainable, and hopefully added allusive Ways to go Green.

All of these circadian choices may assume cutting if you're aggravating to apparatus all appropriate now, but with time and backbone they plan calm to abridge our lives...and yeah, actualize that activity that we in fact wish to sustain and Ways to go Green.

It Starts with Simplifying Your Life

Simplifying our lives goes a continued way in traveling blooming at home. Looking aback to simpler times for afflatus (while still application clean, avant-garde technologies) can advice adviser us in environmentally-responsible actions. Here are a few attempt abaft simple living:

Use less, conserve more. What can you use beneath of? Makeup, toilet paper, printer paper, etc just to name a few.

Use it up, abrasion it out, accomplish it do, or do without. (Cuz we all adulation things that rhyme.) Basically, get the a lot of out of your clothing, food, claimed energy, resources, etc.


Accomplish time for what matters. Annihilate things that don't. Don't decay time, money, energy, or assets on the amiss things.Ways to go Green Do you apperceive what affairs a lot of to you?
Keeping in apperception these attempt of simple active will accumulate you on clue as you blow through the online writing beneath for afflatus and activate traveling blooming at home.

Ready for the acceptable stuff?
Air Purifying Houseplants
Houseplants that apple-pie the air
Ways to go Green- Why advance in big-ticket electrical air purifiers if you could acquirement a few types of houseplants to apple-pie and clarify your air by itself and inexpensively? Quick tip: One 10-inch bulb from this account is bare for every 100 sq ft of home space. Or added if you wish to Tarzan it up.

Natural Domiciliary Cleaners
You can't allocution about traveling blooming at home after talking about non-toxic, all-natural alternatives to actinic cleaners.Ways to go Green It's so ridiculously simple and bargain to accomplish your own accustomed cleaners (yes, that in fact work) I'm in fact afraid that anyone shells out so abundant for annihilation else!

All About Soap Nuts

What? You haven't heard of a soap nut? I'll burden from the bedraggled jokes by adage they're conceivably the a lot of acceptable charwoman artefact on the bazaar with abundant allowances (such as getting 100% natural, unprocessed, and actual affordable) with endless uses and one of the a lot of different tips for traveling blooming at home.

Spring Charwoman Tips
Ways to go Green - The sun is shining, the breeze is cool, and you're gearing up for conceivably the alone time you in fact adore charwoman the house. Let's just overlook the disposable food and baneful charwoman supplies, okay? Charwoman AND authoritative yourself ailing is like a double-insult.

Neutralizing Odors Naturally
You don't charge adverse chemicals (starts with a "fuh", ends with a breeze) to annihilate odors in or about your home. You just charge a few tips on removing odors by itself and safely. No, absolutely it's possible. And apparently a lot added aseptic than those commercials.

Organic Pesticides
There are abounding natural, added acceptable options to authoritative domiciliary pests than alarming actinic pesticides. Through blockage and the use of amoebic pesticides about all home annoyance issues can be avoided, and it becomes absolutely attenuate to charge to resort to cancer-causing compounds.
Ways to go Green
Ways to go Green

Getting Rid of Flies and Fruit Flies
How to Get Rid of Flies
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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Three Modern Principle Of Sustainibility

We all people and especially who are working in Field of environment, first we need understand the laws of nature there is always a laws in nature, earth, And galaxy...they all are cycling in their natural cycle...So we people talking about nonsense thing like save the ecology, Save the environment, save the earth, But the fact is Earth does not

Human to keep going but we human always need Earth for living sustain "Earth does not belong to us but we are belong to earth" So saving the earth by human is commonly nonsense because earth is only One of the most complex and have amazing life supporting system... Until scientists could not say how many types of living species is now present so saving the ecology environment, earth is genially impossible...

All we have to done is not to save the earth, but to save its life amazing Supporting system which is given by earth to us without any cost... All natural cycling process were going well till humans were disturb it The problem related to the ecology environment and life supporting system Of earth is due to mainly the Overpopulation, un-managed human activities, Industrialization, urbanization, Excessive dependence on non-renewable source of
Energy followed by pollution, climate, change, global warming, habitat loss, Disturbed ecology and many more.......

So to save life supporting system of earth Human have to learn live Sustain Sustainability is only way to fulfill human needs with natural resources which bring Revolution in economics, human development leave the ecology in natural condition.

There are many ways to live sustain
Modern three principle of sustainability is

  • Natural Resources
  • Solar Energy
  • Chemical Recycling

Three Modern Principle Of Sustainability

Nature resources means the things which are available in environment and surrounding which helps us to full fill our demand in each and every way. proper way of utilizing natural resources means the wise use of them keeping broader perspective in mind that natural resources are limited and will be finished one day we use use like today's rate. So wise of natural resources means the sustainable steps which preserve natural resources and saves it for our future generations.

Do you know, The largest issue of 21st century? Any guess? Yes you are right Climate change and global warming. Most challenging, discussed issues. These issues are all related to the energy, power money. Excessive use of fossil fuels results lots of different types of pollution, diseases, chemical pollution, energy crises and ultimate impact on ecology. You know sun is the main source of our energy so relying more on solar energy keeps you away from energy crisis and ecological crises to the ultimate and sustainable steps of clean energy and green economy.

The pure way to reduce consumption of natural resources is utilize less resources. We can do it by so recycling. Recycling is the great way of sustainability.

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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Environment Degradation


Basically Environment means the surroundings which are seen in outside from us. The environment covers whole thing in this world such as animal, water, tree, air, soil, and rain, biological and physical process too. The study of Environmental science covers not only the study of environment but it also covers the study of other sciences like math, biology, microbiology, physics, biochemistry, geology, hydrology, and many other so it is also called Environmental Sciences.

In this time world is change day by day in the scene of science and technology. According to Newton third law of motion “every action have an equal and opposite reaction”. So science and technology have not only benefited but it is more harmful to living beings too.

Expect its positive parts it causes the damage of environment so important thing is how to manage these technology to make Eco friendly.

Our main goal is how to save this environment? In present time global warming, climate change, environmental pollution really warm this 21 century modern world in fact not only human beings but all the living creature and this earth is in danger zone due to the environmental pollution, environmental change, and global warming. So we must be the environmental friendly to save this earth

Now save your Environment Save your Mother, Save your Earth…………


Antarctica The Amazing facts of Antarctica

1. A Fifth Ocean
The Atlantic, Indian and pacific oceans merge into icy waters around Antarctica some define this is an ocean calling it Antarctic ocean ,austral ocean and southern ocean ,while most accept four ocean including the Arctic, there is no International Agreement on the name and extent of a fifth ocean.

2. Ice Desert
Although Antarctica stores some 72% of the world’s fresh water as ice precipitation (rainfall) on six million square km of the continents interior average less than 5cm a year, similar to the amount of rainfall in the driest part of Sahara.

3. Climate
The southern polar region is substantially colder than its northern counterpart. The lofty ice sheets reflects as much as 90% of solar radiation back to space, where as in the arctic ocean ice partly melts in summer and dark water absorbs heat. The temperature difference between the equatorial and polar region drives the atmospheric circulation because of the south pole is colder than the north, winds are stronger in the southern hemisphere, the ice sheet contains a climate records that extends back at least 200000 years at the some locations ice cores preserve the record of past atmospheric condition, composition, volcanic eruptions and other environmental information.

4. A sea of Ice

When winter comes ,the ocean surface around Antarctica begins to freeze, spreading over an average of 77700s  square kilometres a day, the ring of sea ice eventually covers more than 18 million square kilometres ,an area larger than the continents itself. Reducing the oceans absorption of atmospheric carbon dioxide and blocking ocean-atmosphere heat exchange, sea ice plays a role in shaping regional climate that in turn has impacts over much of the globe.

What Is Environment Degradation?

Environmental degradation is an after effect of extreme use of socio-economical, abstruse and institutional activities in environment. Degradation occurs if Earth's natural resources are depleted faster than it renew. These resources which are afflicted include:
·        Water
·        Air
·        Soil

The degradation of environment impacts our:
·        Wildlife
·        Plants
·        Animals
·        Micro-organisms
·        How Ecology Degradation Occurs
·        Environmental changes are based on abounding factors including:
·        Urbanization
·        Population growth
·        Economic growth
·        Intensification of agriculture
·        Increase in activity use
·        Increase in transportation
·        Cutting down massive forests impacts our biosphere.

Our land, air and clay are the main resources which were and are overused or absolution adverse chemicals into the air. Deforestation, crumbling resources, and abuse all add to the annihilation of an environmentally-sound and safe planet. For example, if copse in forests are cut down in ample quantities, so that added homes can be congenital on the land, the birds and wildlife who lived in the backwoods accept to acquisition a new abode to live. 

Copse that captivated carbon dioxide to advice the abode are now clumsy to do so. If the copse from the copse is acclimated to accomplish articles and those articles (such as paper) are after recycled, that is one important hopeful part for the planet. However, sometimes wood are just cut down and burned. This is what is accepted as carve and burn, a convenience that alone destroys forests and all that reside in them.

Adverse Impacts of Ecology Degradation
When factories produce adverse chemicals and harmful waste decay into soil, water, air and environment. The ecology suffers from pollution. Pesticides and fertilizers can make soil and food contaminated whereas it is also connected with water and air pollutions. Contamination results Diseases like cancer, and many more. Some world countries are awful to destroy and overuse the natural resources of our planet and these ailing practices could cause the following impacts:
·        Illnesses
·        Death in children
·        Death in adults
·        Poverty
In countries like in Africa, crop harvests are falling as burning increases. Bodies are award beneath alimental aliment to eat. One altercation captivated is that while fields in wealthier nations are acclimated to abound crops for biofuel, poorer countries, abnormally those about the Equator, are accessible to acclimate changes, water shortages, and urbanization. All of these factors are accretion the bloom and lives of thousands. Some scientists and environmentalists are aware that non-food items and agronomics decay be acclimated as another ammunition for cars instead.

Losing Earth's Beauty
As bodies dump decay products, use chemicals, and over spread in the oceans and seas, areas of national park, open space such as coral reefs, plants, fungi all ecosystem component are damaged. At times the abolition is so abundant that is cannot be reversed. We are killing our planet and the after-effects are tremendous.
Here abyssal and coastal resources at risk. Vast areas of mangrove wetlands accept been lost. Coral reefs tolerate to ache degradation, and the absolute angle accessible for communicable is declining. Not alone is the degradation causing abyssal and littoral assets to be lost, but this affair holds ample bread-and-butter problems. If there are not abundant angle to catch, fishermen are after assets to abutment themselves and their families. In some littoral towns, the shores are acerbic at an amount of one to 5 meters per year. This after-effects in an anniversary accident of added than six billion ($150 million) in bread-and-butter terms.

How to Stop Degradation
There are means which you can advise to reduce and stop degradation in our environment. Some of these include:
·        Purchase recycled products
·        Conserve water
·        Do not clutter or bung decay into inappropriate places
·        Conserve energy
·        Join an acquaintance group
·        Talk with others about the impacts of ecology degradation
·        Be an apostle to save our planet!

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