Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Environmental Worldviews

Every human in a more than seven billion is unique individuals. Each individuals have their own characters, own talent, one culture, own level of understanding and perspective to see the world. One’s truth is fade away when another relative false revealed. Lots of people who concerns about ecology, environment earth debating from past couples of years about main environmental world views. But i don't think that debate is going to end very soon.
After reviewing lots of documents, publish materials, articles and books i drawn a simple conclusion. The main environmental world view is given below.

Planetary management

In this environmental philosophy they summarize like this “They are apart from the rest of nature and can manage nature to meet our increasing needs and wants.Because of our ingenuity and technology we will not run out of resources. 

The potential for economic growth is essentially unlimited. Our success depends on how well we manage the earth’s life supporting systems mostly for our benefits." to be honest this is quite unrealistic, selfish and unsustainable type of environmental views which completely ignores the rule of nature and just believes in money. The main point of this view is given below.

  • We are apart from the rest of nature and can manage nature to meet our increasing needs and wants.Because of our ingenuity and technology we will not run out of resources.
  • The potential for economic growth is essentially unlimited.
  • Our success depends on how well we manage the earth’s life supporting systems mostly for our benefits.
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    Environmental Worldviews


    This environmental worldview is realistic, simple, and comes with rules of nature and science not just money. It also talks about some ethics, responsibility to the earth as a human not only rights to utilizing resources. And also encourage environmental benefits and ecological benefits of sustainable use of resources and sustainable development. We have an ethical responsibilities to be carrying mangers or stewards of the earth. We will probably not run out of resources, but they should not be wasted. We should encourage environmentally beneficial form of economic growth and discourage environmentally harmful forms. Our success depends on how we manage the earth’s life support systems to our benefit and for the rest of the nature.
    The main point of this view is given below.

    • We have an ethical responsibilities to be carrying mangers or stewards of the earth.
    • We will probably not run out of resources, but they should not be wasted.
    • We should encourage environmentally beneficial form of economic growth and discourage environmentally harmful forms.
    • Our success depends on how we manage the earth’s life support systems to our benefit and for the rest of the nature.

      Environmental wisdom

      More balance, truly acceptable environmental philosophy combines, science and nature more efficiently and wisely. Considers humans also part of nature and every species of the planet earth is unique and have equal rights. And summary of this environment philosophy is ”We are a part of and totally dependent on nature and nature exists for all species. Resources are limited, should not be wasted and are not all for us. We should encourage earth sustaining forms of economic growth and discouraging earth degrading forms. Our success depends on learning how nature sustains itself and integrating such lessons from nature into the ways we think and act."
      •  We are a part of and totally dependent on nature and nature exists for all species.
      •  Resources are limited, should not be wasted and are not all for us.
      • We should encourage earth sustaining forms of economic growth and discouraging earth degrading forms.
      • Our success depends on learning how nature sustains itself and integrating such lessons from nature into the ways we think and act.


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        Three Modern Principle Of Sustainibility

        We all people and especially who are working in Field of environment, first we need understand the laws of nature there is always a laws in nature, earth, And galaxy...they all are cycling in their natural cycle...So we people talking about nonsense thing like save the ecology, Save the environment, save the earth, But the fact is Earth does not

        Human to keep going but we human always need Earth for living sustain "Earth does not belong to us but we are belong to earth" So saving the earth by human is commonly nonsense because earth is only One of the most complex and have amazing life supporting system... Until scientists could not say how many types of living species is now present so saving the ecology environment, earth is genially impossible...

        All we have to done is not to save the earth, but to save its life amazing Supporting system which is given by earth to us without any cost... All natural cycling process were going well till humans were disturb it The problem related to the ecology environment and life supporting system Of earth is due to mainly the Overpopulation, un-managed human activities, Industrialization, urbanization, Excessive dependence on non-renewable source of
        Energy followed by pollution, climate, change, global warming, habitat loss, Disturbed ecology and many more.......

        So to save life supporting system of earth Human have to learn live Sustain Sustainability is only way to fulfill human needs with natural resources which bring Revolution in economics, human development leave the ecology in natural condition.

        There are many ways to live sustain
        Modern three principle of sustainability is

        • Natural Resources
        • Solar Energy
        • Chemical Recycling

        Three Modern Principle Of Sustainability

        Nature resources means the things which are available in environment and surrounding which helps us to full fill our demand in each and every way. proper way of utilizing natural resources means the wise use of them keeping broader perspective in mind that natural resources are limited and will be finished one day we use use like today's rate. So wise of natural resources means the sustainable steps which preserve natural resources and saves it for our future generations.

        Do you know, The largest issue of 21st century? Any guess? Yes you are right Climate change and global warming. Most challenging, discussed issues. These issues are all related to the energy, power money. Excessive use of fossil fuels results lots of different types of pollution, diseases, chemical pollution, energy crises and ultimate impact on ecology. You know sun is the main source of our energy so relying more on solar energy keeps you away from energy crisis and ecological crises to the ultimate and sustainable steps of clean energy and green economy.

        The pure way to reduce consumption of natural resources is utilize less resources. We can do it by so recycling. Recycling is the great way of sustainability.

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        Wednesday, January 16, 2013

        Climate Change &Global Warming

        Climate Change:
        Generally we used to think that the climate change is rapidly going on due to latest modernization, industrialization, and simply pollution. But climate change is continuous process it happening from year to year. This is proved by history. Millions years ago instead of Mt. Everest there is sea And in the place of sea there is high mountain these all amazing changes is due to the climate change. Likewise thousands years ago The Ganga river of India is a desert And Kalahari Desert of India is full of green plant all these amazing change in all over the world is due to climate change. 

        The plus point is that with the climate change there is also any physical and geological process in the earth which results these great geological, biological, and physical effect on this climate on future. But in that days there is more climate change which is due to pollution, industrialization, and modernization of world.

        The most responsible of climate change are those countries which are highly developed like the country of North America and Europe. The developing countries which are poor are not capable to face the unknown impact of climate change, particularly Small Island nation states will be worst hit. A 15-95 cm rise in sea level could turn these people into refugees. Plants and animals around the world will be drastically affected due to changing weather and some may even become extinct.

        Global Warming:

        Climate Change &Global Warming

        The word global means our world and warm means become hot Simply Global warming is the rising average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans since the late 19th century and its projected continuation. Since the early 20th century, Earth's average surface temperature has increased by about 0.8 °C with about two thirds of the increase occurring since 1980.As we all know the carbon is the basis of life Co2 is also important for maintaining the balance of earth temperature. So some amount of co2 is good for us and plant for photosynthesis. For the balance of earth temperature the heat radiation absorbs in the earth surface by water vapor, co2 and other element during daytime it results the warming of earth this creates the suitable environment for living being, when night come they lose the heat energy that means they emits the radiation which cool the earth so they balance the environment of earth Without these no life possible in the earth.

        Too much is not good so due to the climate change and industrialization that means pollution cause the production of these gases like CO2 NO2, methane water vapor and other dusts of metal and various gases are remarkable which causes the absorption of heat high but The excessive amount of water vapor, carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere form a blanket of gases that does not allow the solar radiation to escape back to space that means no balanced emission of heat Which results the warming of atmosphere famously called global warming
        Due to the global warming rise of sea level melting of glacier, climate change, imbalanced rain and totally imbalance ecosystem are created. Now the whole world is serious about the global warming.

        Climate Change &Global Warming

        What causes an unnatural weather change?  

        Carbon dioxide and other air contamination that is gathering in the air like a thickening cover, catching the sun's warmth and creating the planet to warm up. Coal-smoldering force plants are the biggest U.S. wellspring of carbon dioxide contamination - they create 2.5 billion tons consistently. Autos, the second biggest source, make almost 1.5 billion tons of CO2 yearly. 

        Here's the uplifting news: advances exist today to make autos that run cleaner and blaze less gas, modernize force plants and create power from nonpolluting sources, and carve our power use through vitality proficiency. The test is to make certain these arrangements are put to utilize. 

        Is the earth truly getting hotter? 

        Yes. Pattern and fluctuations of recorded temperature history tell the truth actually, in the course of recent years the normal worldwide temperature has expanded at the speediest rate in written history. What's more, specialists think the pattern is quickening: the 10 hottest years on record have all happened following 1990. Researchers say that unless we check a worldwide temperature change seriously, normal average temperatures could be 3 to 9 degrees higher than today before the centuries over. 

        Are hotter temperatures bringing about terrible things to happen? 

        An unnatural weather change is as of now creating harm in numerous parts of the entire world. In 2002, Colorado, Arizona and Oregon persevered through their most noticeably awful uncontrolled fire seasons ever. That year, dry spell made serious dust storms in Montana, Colorado and Kansas, and surges brought on a huge number of dollars in harm in Texas, Montana and North Dakota. Since the mid-1950s, snow collection has declined 60 percent and winter seasons have abbreviated in a few territories of the Cascade Range in Oregon and Washington. 

        Obviously, the effects of a dangerous atmospheric change are not restricted to the United States. In 2003, great warmth waves created more than 20,000 people dead in Europe and more than 1,500 people in India alone. Also, in what researchers view as a disturbing indication of occasions to come, the territory of the Arctic's lasting polar ice cover is declining or retreating at the rate of 9 percent for every decade. The most of mountain range of Hindu Kush Himalayan range loosing snow rapidly.

        Is a dangerous atmospheric event results exacerbating tropical storms? 

        A dangerous atmospheric event doesn't make tropical storms, however it does make them more grounded and more perilous. Since the sea is getting hotter, typhoons can get more vitality and turn out to be all the more effective. So an unnatural weather change could turn, say, a class 3 tempest into an a great deal more perilous classification 4 tempest. Truth be told, researchers have found that the ruinous capability of sea tempests has enormously expanded alongside sea temperature in the course of recent years. 

        Arrives truly reason for genuine concern? 

        Climate Change &Global Warming
        Yes. A worldwide temperature alteration is a complicated sensation, and its full-scale effects are difficult to neutralize far ahead of time. In any case, every year researchers find out more about how a dangerous atmospheric event is influencing the planet, and numerous concur that certain results are prone to happen if momentum patterns proceed. Among these: 

        • Melting ice masses, early snowmelt and extreme dry seasons will bring about more sensational water deficiencies in the American West. And also Antarctic ice retreat, Himalayan ice retreat, green land ice melting also make the water insecurities in future for whole world.

        • Rising ocean levels will prompt flooding on the large megacity, coastal areas and low lands like Eastern seaboard, in Florida, and in different ranges, for example, the Gulf of Mexico, Bangladesh, Mumbai of India. 

        • Warmer ocean surface temperatures will increase vulnerability for more serious tropical storms in the southeastern Atlantic and Gulf coasts. 

        • Increasing temperature also increase possibility for different disease like air borne disease, mosquito diseases. 

        • Disruption of territories, for example, coral reefs and elevated knolls could drive numerous plant and creature species to eradication. 

        What nation is the responsible for worldwide temperature increase? 

        The United States. Despite the fact that Americans make up only 4 percent of the world's population. They create 25 percent of the carbon dioxide contamination from fossil-fuel- by a long shot the biggest offer of any nation. Actually, the United States transmits more carbon dioxide than China, India and Japan, combine. Unmistakably America should take an authority part in taking care of the issue. What's more, as the world's top engineer of new advancements, we are very much situated to do as such - we as of now have the ability. 

        In what capacity would we be able to cut an unnatural weather change? 
        It's straightforward: By decreasing emission from vehicles and force plants. Immediately, we ought to put existing advances for building cleaner autos and more cutting edge power generators into across the board utilization. We can build our dependence on renewable vitality sources, for example, wind, sun and geothermal. Also, we can make more productive machines and ration vitality 

        Why aren't these innovations more typical at this point? 

        Since, while the innovations exist, the corporate and political will to place them into far reaching utilization does not. Numerous organizations in the car and vitality commercial enterprises put weight on the White House and Congress to end or defer new laws or regulations - or even to quit upholding existing principles - that would drive such changes. From obliging exhaust systems to enhancing gas mileage, auto organizations have battled even the littlest measure to secure general wellbeing and nature. On the off chance that advance is to be made, the American individuals will need to request it. 

        Do we require new laws for climate policy? 

        Yes. Deliberate decrease projects have neglected to stop the development of discharges. Indeed, even pioneers of significant organizations, including organizations, for example, DuPont, Alcoa and General Electric, concur that it's the ideal time for the government to make solid laws to cut a dangerous climate crisis. Open and political backing for arrangements has never been more grounded. Congress is currently considering new proposition to top discharges of carbon dioxide and other warmth catching toxins from America's biggest sources - force plants, mechanical offices and transportation powers. 

        Stricter proficiency prerequisites for electric apparatuses will likewise help diminish contamination. One illustration is the 30 percent more tightly standard now set up for home focal aeration and cooling systems and warmth pumps, a Clinton-time accomplishment that will keep the discharge of 51 million metric huge amounts of carbon - the likeness taking 34 million autos off the street for one year. The new govern survived a Bush organization push to debilitate it when, in January 2004, a government court agreed with a NRDC-drove coalition and turned around the organization's rollback. 

        Is it conceivable to cut fossil and still have enough power? 

        Yes. Initially, we must utilize more proficient machines and gear in our homes and workplaces to diminish our power needs. We can likewise eliminate the decades-old, coal-smoldering force plants that create the greater part of our power and supplant them with cleaner plants. Furthermore, we can build our utilization of renewable vitality sources, for example, wind and sun. A few states are moving in this bearing: California has obliged its biggest utilities to get 20 percent of their power from renewable sources by 2017, and New York has promised to propel power organizations to give 25 percent of the state's power from renewable sources by 2013. 

        In what capacity would we be able to cut fossil fuels? 

        Practical advancements to lessen an Earth-wide temperature boost contamination from autos and light trucks of all sizes are accessible at this point. There is no motivation to hold up and trust that hydrogen power module vehicles will take care of the issue later on. Half breed gas-electric motors can cut a worldwide temperature alteration contamination by 33% or all the more today; cross breed cars, SUVs and trucks from a few automakers are as of now available. 

        Be that as it may, automakers ought to be doing a great deal more: They've utilized a lawful escape clause to make SUVs far less fuel proficient than they could be; the notoriety of these vehicles has produced a 20 percent expansion in transportation-related carbon dioxide contamination since the mid-1990s. Shutting this proviso and obliging SUVs, minivans and get trucks to be as productive as autos would cut 120 million tons of carbon dioxide contamination a year by 2010. On the off chance that automakers utilized the innovation they have at this moment to raise efficiency measures for new autos and light trucks to a joined 40 m.p.g., carbon dioxide contamination would in the long run drop by more than 650 million tons for each year as these vehicles supplanted more established models. 

        What would I be able to do to help battle against climate change? 

        There are numerous basic steps you can take at this moment to cut a worldwide climate change. Make monitoring vitality a piece of your day by day schedule. Every time you pick a minimized bright light over a radiant knob, for instance, you'll bring down your vitality bill and keep about 700 pounds of carbon dioxide out of the air over the globule's lifetime. By selecting an icebox with the Energy Star name - demonstrating it utilizes no less than 15 percent less vitality than the government prerequisite - over a less vitality effective model, you can decrease carbon dioxide contamination by almost a ton altogether. Join NRDC in our crusade against an Earth-wide temperature boost. 
        In the event that these assets don't answer your inquiry, examine Real Climate, an online journal by driving atmosphere specialists that dives into atmosphere science in incredible, and frequently specialized.

        That’s much for today …… seeing you next time……

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        Environment Degradation


        Basically Environment means the surroundings which are seen in outside from us. The environment covers whole thing in this world such as animal, water, tree, air, soil, and rain, biological and physical process too. The study of Environmental science covers not only the study of environment but it also covers the study of other sciences like math, biology, microbiology, physics, biochemistry, geology, hydrology, and many other so it is also called Environmental Sciences.

        In this time world is change day by day in the scene of science and technology. According to Newton third law of motion “every action have an equal and opposite reaction”. So science and technology have not only benefited but it is more harmful to living beings too.

        Expect its positive parts it causes the damage of environment so important thing is how to manage these technology to make Eco friendly.

        Our main goal is how to save this environment? In present time global warming, climate change, environmental pollution really warm this 21 century modern world in fact not only human beings but all the living creature and this earth is in danger zone due to the environmental pollution, environmental change, and global warming. So we must be the environmental friendly to save this earth

        Now save your Environment Save your Mother, Save your Earth…………


        Antarctica The Amazing facts of Antarctica

        1. A Fifth Ocean
        The Atlantic, Indian and pacific oceans merge into icy waters around Antarctica some define this is an ocean calling it Antarctic ocean ,austral ocean and southern ocean ,while most accept four ocean including the Arctic, there is no International Agreement on the name and extent of a fifth ocean.

        2. Ice Desert
        Although Antarctica stores some 72% of the world’s fresh water as ice precipitation (rainfall) on six million square km of the continents interior average less than 5cm a year, similar to the amount of rainfall in the driest part of Sahara.

        3. Climate
        The southern polar region is substantially colder than its northern counterpart. The lofty ice sheets reflects as much as 90% of solar radiation back to space, where as in the arctic ocean ice partly melts in summer and dark water absorbs heat. The temperature difference between the equatorial and polar region drives the atmospheric circulation because of the south pole is colder than the north, winds are stronger in the southern hemisphere, the ice sheet contains a climate records that extends back at least 200000 years at the some locations ice cores preserve the record of past atmospheric condition, composition, volcanic eruptions and other environmental information.

        4. A sea of Ice

        When winter comes ,the ocean surface around Antarctica begins to freeze, spreading over an average of 77700s  square kilometres a day, the ring of sea ice eventually covers more than 18 million square kilometres ,an area larger than the continents itself. Reducing the oceans absorption of atmospheric carbon dioxide and blocking ocean-atmosphere heat exchange, sea ice plays a role in shaping regional climate that in turn has impacts over much of the globe.

        What Is Environment Degradation?

        Environmental degradation is an after effect of extreme use of socio-economical, abstruse and institutional activities in environment. Degradation occurs if Earth's natural resources are depleted faster than it renew. These resources which are afflicted include:
        ·        Water
        ·        Air
        ·        Soil

        The degradation of environment impacts our:
        ·        Wildlife
        ·        Plants
        ·        Animals
        ·        Micro-organisms
        ·        How Ecology Degradation Occurs
        ·        Environmental changes are based on abounding factors including:
        ·        Urbanization
        ·        Population growth
        ·        Economic growth
        ·        Intensification of agriculture
        ·        Increase in activity use
        ·        Increase in transportation
        ·        Cutting down massive forests impacts our biosphere.

        Our land, air and clay are the main resources which were and are overused or absolution adverse chemicals into the air. Deforestation, crumbling resources, and abuse all add to the annihilation of an environmentally-sound and safe planet. For example, if copse in forests are cut down in ample quantities, so that added homes can be congenital on the land, the birds and wildlife who lived in the backwoods accept to acquisition a new abode to live. 

        Copse that captivated carbon dioxide to advice the abode are now clumsy to do so. If the copse from the copse is acclimated to accomplish articles and those articles (such as paper) are after recycled, that is one important hopeful part for the planet. However, sometimes wood are just cut down and burned. This is what is accepted as carve and burn, a convenience that alone destroys forests and all that reside in them.

        Adverse Impacts of Ecology Degradation
        When factories produce adverse chemicals and harmful waste decay into soil, water, air and environment. The ecology suffers from pollution. Pesticides and fertilizers can make soil and food contaminated whereas it is also connected with water and air pollutions. Contamination results Diseases like cancer, and many more. Some world countries are awful to destroy and overuse the natural resources of our planet and these ailing practices could cause the following impacts:
        ·        Illnesses
        ·        Death in children
        ·        Death in adults
        ·        Poverty
        In countries like in Africa, crop harvests are falling as burning increases. Bodies are award beneath alimental aliment to eat. One altercation captivated is that while fields in wealthier nations are acclimated to abound crops for biofuel, poorer countries, abnormally those about the Equator, are accessible to acclimate changes, water shortages, and urbanization. All of these factors are accretion the bloom and lives of thousands. Some scientists and environmentalists are aware that non-food items and agronomics decay be acclimated as another ammunition for cars instead.

        Losing Earth's Beauty
        As bodies dump decay products, use chemicals, and over spread in the oceans and seas, areas of national park, open space such as coral reefs, plants, fungi all ecosystem component are damaged. At times the abolition is so abundant that is cannot be reversed. We are killing our planet and the after-effects are tremendous.
        Here abyssal and coastal resources at risk. Vast areas of mangrove wetlands accept been lost. Coral reefs tolerate to ache degradation, and the absolute angle accessible for communicable is declining. Not alone is the degradation causing abyssal and littoral assets to be lost, but this affair holds ample bread-and-butter problems. If there are not abundant angle to catch, fishermen are after assets to abutment themselves and their families. In some littoral towns, the shores are acerbic at an amount of one to 5 meters per year. This after-effects in an anniversary accident of added than six billion ($150 million) in bread-and-butter terms.

        How to Stop Degradation
        There are means which you can advise to reduce and stop degradation in our environment. Some of these include:
        ·        Purchase recycled products
        ·        Conserve water
        ·        Do not clutter or bung decay into inappropriate places
        ·        Conserve energy
        ·        Join an acquaintance group
        ·        Talk with others about the impacts of ecology degradation
        ·        Be an apostle to save our planet!

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