Show Your Love for Mother Earth: Simple Actions to Protect the Planet
Here are six simple sustainable steps to accomplish your daily activity (even) greener and show your kindness towards to the environment.
· Educate yourself about the ecology, environment, climate change and basic laws of nature important to you. Pick one ecology event, debate, campaign you wish to go which added value about (climate change, renewable energy, amoebic food, etc.), and accomplish brainwash yourself about that topic. Lots of online magazine about environment campaigns, debates, news are available free in internet. Follow them regularly and also involve in international mass movement about climate change and ecology campaigns.
· Use your ability to get involved. Contact some organizations, agency and institutions. If an ecology event will affect you or your community. Join the bounded affiliate of a nonprofit groups that works on your area of this affair and advise them be successful and support them as you are part of process.
· Eat healthy, less meat and sugar, and added fruits and vegetables. Do you how many water needed to prepare 1 kg of meat or sugar? Remember small thing matters the most. So using less meat can decrease your ecological footprint dramatically. I’m not just talking about the accepted January resolutions to lose weight. I’m talking about developing new healthy and sustainable habits and added vegetarian diet in your daily meals. Make a plan for meatless days in week, use of beans and rice for your protein? Sound interesting and healthy hmm? How can you add added fruits and veggies to your meals?
· Reducing your meat consumption has an absolute good effect on the environment, and for the animals too. Livestock accounts for about 20 percent of greenhouse gas emissions (methane basically) which was caused by humans, and about 25 percent of all all-around accounts in agriculture. Websites such as Meatless Monday and Bistro Well action abundant vegetarian recipes that are beneficial for you and the environment.
· Go on a low-carbon diet and cut your activity use. Try to think what activity of your life are increasing ecological footprint like the activity of consuming more water, meat, energy, driving car for no purpose. Replacing your fluorescent bulbs by LED or CFL is a start. Rethink the use of your car(s), if you chose to ride on public transportation it also can save some gallons of petrol’s. This seems also funny but remember small things can make a big difference and affection in your life. Insulate that means cooling and heating system of your home more efficiently to cut use of energy and heating and cooling bills, and turn of the lights, electronic device of your home and business to prevent unnecessary use of energy.
· Adjust your thermostat to save activity and money—or do it automatically with a thermostat. The U.S. Department of Activity estimates that consumers can save up to 15 percent on energy bills just by adjusting their thermostats. Turning down the home by 10 to 15 degree Fahrenheit for 8 hours can after effect in consumption of 5-15 percent on your home heating bill.
· Cut your consumption, and recycle as much as you can. Before dealing with anything, just think about its ecological side effects of that purchase—from the use of these products and resources and activity to accomplish the product. Accomplish it simple to aggregate and yield your paper, cardboard, and containers to your abutting recycling bins, which are usually amid in grocery abundance parking lots. Give your unused clothing, furniture, and toys to Goodwill or addition needed groups.
· Strive to beat artificial living from your life. Just be with nature and be natural I mean love the nature. It’s estimated that 10 percent of all the waste eventually ends up in an ocean. It harms ecological activity of oceans start to destroy our valuable resources. Set an ambition today of not accepting an waste products which harms nature and also use more natural resources to produce that type of product. Then keep going with your ambition for a week, a month, and the blow of the year. Yield your own reusable containers to a restaurant for your leftovers.
· No added bottled water! Americans use an estimated 2.5 bottles mineral water an hour! The bottled baptize industry fabricated about $11 billion in profits in 2010—money that could break in your wallet if you acclimated tap or filtered water and your own containers. Alone about a fourth of artificial bottles are anytime recycled. Con-tempo studies accept begin that bottled generally contains added pollutants than city-limits tap water. Fill up your glasses and reusable baptize bottles with filtered baptize from your kitchen.
· Many humans like you are searching for means to fix with others to break local, regional, and all-around ecology problems. Geographic association has abundant Eco-oriented groups, and countless means of award out area they are. So what are you cat-and-mouse for? Join ecological clubs, nonprofit organization, campaigners, raise your voice not sea. Think globally act locally. Think, Eat and Save.
Love to Mother Earth
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Love for Our Mother Earth |
Mother Earth... Breathing a fresh air, spreading hands and feeling the every drops of the rain. And this is all possible just because of you and your unexplained beauty. I have found myself very Fortunate to be on your lap. Happiness is beyond my words. Living my life underneath of your grace and blessing, Life is so wonder under your shade of love. Mother Earth I admire your gratitude over us and all living beings...You are for us and our life...I love u my...Mother earth. My words are not enough to express myself how grateful I am for you. You have fulfill all of the needs and desires...
Where there is no one there is you for everyone.One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving so I am love with you Mother Earth.Picking handful of soil, try to feel millions of life’s of microorganisms there and I think about these chemicals that we used to fulfill our greedy food demands… does these microscopic life doesn't have to right to live? I see the green forest, over the mountain, white snow on the Himalayas, I see the clean river flowing with pleasures sound and I got heart full thanks to you Mother Earth.
Again I asked myself about the rapid deforestation we did? Rapid destruction of freshwater? What about the millions of life in world? When I am in love with you Mother Things make even more sense. Maybe these birds try to explain me the meaning of love without ownership.
I try to understand the voices of animals, soft touch of wind, smooth drops of rain what they are try to tell me… I can’t understand what they are saying. May be they say it’s too much, you degraded natural capital, use fossil fuel too much, you destroy our home, our mother you cut these all trees, this is not your planet, but it is all of us, can you pay for this loss, can you make our mother earth happy ? Can you huh? My heart goes so down thinking what we have given to you a destruction, pollution, and hazard-ness... My heart cracks...In spite of all those activities you have never stopped offer yourself for our life, for our happiness and enjoyment looking after us...
Yes you are miracle mother earth and life within you is mystery.Please don’t worry we are same. Everything is only one thing. You teach me the change and use us we are forever yours. Those who loves you a lot are trying to bring a change. The good change. Change for best, for you. For us. And for the entire planet. I know it takes lot of efforts, times but I always believed in change, hope change would be for best, for you, for me.
Perhaps you hate me, you don’t need me. May you think me as the most dangerous species of planet but I don’t care because more you reject more I am interested to you. We are same, you and I are here for good my mother. With your all grace and immense love. I am stepping forward...Love you Earth, Love you My Mother….
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